Saturday, June 13, 2009

We're Here

I saw Temucula for the third time in the last five months. It's not particularily a great city, but there is a lot of happy there. We drove through it and where we ended up makes happy too. This is home for the next couple weeks.

My front door.

The puppy corral where 8-week old puppies play when they are first sent to CCI. Hopefully, we'll get new puppies while I'm still here.

The training room where I'll spend the most of my day.

The sanctuary! How cool is that. There are bricks with donor's names etched into them. The campus is totally enclosed so all doors are open and accessible to anyone, except we can't go to the kennels.

My pantry.

The center of the campus. There is a full-service laundry room to the right of the chair. They have free detergent, etc. I might make a Walgreen's trip to stock it up after I leave.

More sanctuary life.

There are a few rabbits that live on campus that act as distractions while the dogs are in training. One of the house rules is, "Do not chase rabbits."

Part of the Great Room. There's a big screen tv to the right, a popcorn machine. "Do not attempt to make popcorn by yourself. Contact the campus caretaker and he will make it."
Joe is the caretaker. He's a cute, amazingly nice guy that lives on campus while team training is in session. He is always within 20 minutes of the campus while we are here. I imagine we'll keep him hopping.

The kitchen. There are three fridges to the left and everything is fully accessible. They've thought of everything to make it easier to live away from home for a couple weeks. In my room, all the electrical outlets are accessible; the air conditioner is remote controlled; the morror tilts so I can see more than my forehead, the bed is the same level as my wheelchair. There is a hospital bed in caes the guest needs that feature. There is a dog crate, low closets (and high ones for those that can reach), a built in shower bench, a high toilet and ropes on all the doors so the dogs can tug them open.

The dogs are amazingly obedient, but this one is a statue. It's furry.

Kristin and I were the first to arrive. We went to Old Town San Diego for dinner last night and made a quick trip to Trader Joe's so she can take home some favorite organic beverages. We'll play today and at 4:00 we'll head to the airport so she can fly home.
I feel absolutely comfortable here. And I feel significant.


Rebecca said...

Thank you for posting pictures! They made me tear up because of the sensitivity, work and generosity that has gone into making this great place. It is wonderful to know that humanity (and caninity . . . is that a word?) can unite to do such incredible things.

And that furry statue is so dang cute.

Rebecca Foster said...

What a neat place, I had no idea these training facilities exist. I look forward to seeing more pictures and hearing about your experiences there. Thanks for taking the time to post all the pictures.

Lins said...

I miss you already! I'm so glad you shared these pictures, the training facility looks awesome! Good luck training!