Friday, November 19, 2010

Good Night Sweetheart — Preface

Fourteen years ago I started writing a book.
Last year I quit writing it. While drinking a lot of lattes with my writing soulmates I've known that no one wants to hear about THAT life. "Give it up, Girl!"  Everyone gets it. Enough about THE book.
So... I'm writing another now. It is much smaller, for smaller people and it is much harder to write because the smaller people can see through all of the whiney-oh-poor-me-I-wanna-be-famous-because-I've been-through-something-bad shit. Jeezz-oh-peeze-oh. So lame.

I believe WE are inspired. Everyone. Not just those that have been blessed by the hands. I have a friend that reads cards (I aspire to be that in-tune). Years ago she asked me to think of my big wish. I thought of publishing THE book. She said that my wish would happen BUT I would change focus. Which I have known for several years, but just haven't sent it out to the universe. So, I'm done with THE book and moving on. (Holy crap, If you had the slightest idea how HARD that was to say to you (you invisible people), you'd cradle my head in your hands and say, "I love you regardless.")/

BUT, there are some really great parts about THE book that I want the world to know. My focus was on famous, soooo wrong. Now, I just want to share how many bazillion emotions you go through to survive after your true-love doesn't survive. And I want you to know him, the amazing Brent Crompton that had my heart from the very start. The amazing sweetheart that didn't really have a chance to show how devoted he was. And how someone can steal you away from that fairytale. My adorable J.D. who loves me so much more than anyone could ever love anyone.

I could Bing or Google the names of those people that have lost their love, but for now, I'll just send it out to Kir (who has found her next love and Becky, who will find another).
This is what I want to say to the world and the women whose lovers fell from the sky, YOU WILL THRIVE. I promise, you will thrive.  And I know that because I have. But between the hell and heaven, there is a lot that is worth knowing.
Send it on and I'll send you the next chapter.

But can I tell you some things about my Brent. If you like it and want to know more, send it out to your friends. If you don't really care, then trash this blog link. But it's a really good story so you'll want to hang out for the next half chapter.


Stacy Q said...

AAAAHHHH!!!! You're putting the book out into the blogosphere!?! Another milestone passed!

Ooohh! We need to have dinner!!!!

Rebecca said...

Thank you for writing this. Not a clever, witty comment, but it is what I feel. Today is a good day to reread your book. Hope you are surviving, today. Know you are being thought of. I'm so deeply happy that I didn't lose you 17 years ago.