Thursday, July 16, 2009

CCI June 2009 Class

This itty, bitty photo doesn't really show you faces, but here we are as one big amazing mass of love.

From left in groups; the dogs are shown in red: Tadaki and Kelly; Kelsey and her mother Carla (standing) and Renoir; Todd, the incredible Tadaki instructor (standing); Bram and his mother Kimberly (standing) and Zeeland; Ben with his parents Shannon and Ryan (standing) and Weston; Calvin (with rabbit ears) and Chesney, Joshua (more rabbit ears) and Finn; Patti, amazing instructor (doing rabbit ears); Johnny (in wheelchair) and Favian; Simi, instructor and Program Manager extraordinnaire; Pam (more rabbit ears) and Kosta; Frank and Zale (beautiful white dog); Susan and Devi the Princess Diva; Dave and his wife Mary and Devin.

Thank you Susan Daynes for the gift of this picture.

I can't wait to se everyone again at August graduation.