Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Big Ole Year

Prior to June of 2009, I had everything I needed. Until I got everything else that I really needed. This is what I've gained since June.

The dog whose name I still haven't mastered: Tatonka, Tank, Tonka, TaDa, TaDon't, Teriaki, Mr T, Teezer, Dockers, Tadock... anyway, the list goes on.

Eileen, The Friend who raised The Dog and gets her own bullet in a list of really cool things that happened to me in the last 12 months. And who has shown me not only once (by giving me The Dog) but time after time how much she loves her new friend.

The other new friends who are products of the flash flood that comes with Doghood: Susan, Amy, Melanie, and Dawn and 80 CCI chapter members that make it fun to be in the hood.

Another year with my J.D. Sweetheart who makes my great big gifted life possible.

A Deck! Wait until you spend an evening under the deck that my Sweetheart built.

The Fambly is out of the Army and has moved home! Becca and the brood are now living 50 miles away!

Still Quilting and getting Kir through it all.

I went to San Diego four times, The Grand Canyon, Las Vegas four times, Sea World, Disneyland, Kentucky, Jackson Hole, Twin Falls, Salina, Arizona, Seaside and Portland Oregon, San Antonio, Piedmont Wyoming, and a bunch of places that are closer than 100 miles away.

The Dog and I did Outreaches to Hill AFB, St. John the Baptist, Yellow Ribbon Day, Barnes & Noble, Lucky Dog Day, The Great SL Dog Training Club, Autism Journeys, Good Dog Evening, REI, Family Links Conference, and were seen on Fox 13 News and were written about in the Sandy Journal.

T-Dog has given out over 500 business cards and has recruited about 10 people to apply for a dog. Three applications in the last week alone!

And we aren't slowing down if we can help it.

1 comment:

Rebecca Foster said...

I didn't realize how much outreach you are doing with him. Very neat. I hope I get to meet him this year.

And I'd really like to spend an evening under the deck!