Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Done with the Old... Bring On the New!

What did I do this year? 
  • Buried two fathers.
  • Wrote one obituary.
  • Spoke at a few presentations.
    Sidebar: Ha, that reminds me. I was going to get back to you about how the graduation speech went. I had everyone's attention. The room was silent. All eyes were on me. No one breathed. But, if I thought that I did ok, think again. It was too short, abruptly ended, and on top of that... my little wheelchair pouch was open and an unused catheter was trailing in front of me. Only about 1,000 people were asking, "What is that?" (Explains the silence and the eyes all forward.) HUMILITY! There is no hiding the fact that I am a geek.
  • Wrote several Good Cents articles
  • ADP awarded CCI a $2,000 grant for an essay that I wrote.
  • Take a big breath because this is the big stomache punch: organized a golf tournament (which explains why the list is so short.) We made $25,000!
  • Travelled twice each to California, Idaho, and Wyoming; Nevada (4x), Illinois, and... I don't remember... somewhere else I think.
  • Went camping twice, fished a little
  • Was a better mother and daughter
  • Had the worst professional year, ever
  • Gained 15 pounds
  • Read a little
  • Donated
Everything is up from here. It was a painful year

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