Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dork Report

I haven't been to the store for a couple weeks so I checked out Shanna's Steals to see if there are any really good deals that I can't miss. Holy Oatmeal! IF I had any more room in my freezers (3) or my food storage shelves (3), I'd be buying cereal and ice cream.

But, they are selling Albertson's! WTH! Associated Foods does not offer double coupons. (Yes, I am aware that I am a dork. But, I've supplied the free world with enough cereal and BBQ sauce to increase the overall weight of EARTH by 100,000 pounds! For nearly FREE.)

I'm not sure what Associated Foods will call Albertson's (they have Dick's, Macy's, and Ream's...). Perhaps Joe's. Or Barnhisel's.

It kind of makes my life a little easier on Tuesday nights when the grocery ads come out and I have to read what is on sale for 10/$10 or BOGO or $1.46 for 100 items when you buy at least 5.

Once Joe's store joins Ass Foods I might have to resort to reading... books again. Aaaaah so much pressure to remember the plot. 10 for 10 was so easy.

1 comment:

Shanna Barnhisel said...

If they decide to call it Barnhisel's then they will have to keep up the good deals! I am sad about it too so we can both be dorks together. But we will see what happens when the times comes. For now we will keep stockpiling and hope for the best. Love you!