Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tagged Obsessively

Sooooo… tagging. It's an odd cultural ritual that I feel obligated to respond to because if I don't it might be a sign that I'm not reading my friend's blog often enough. Sooooo… my challenge on tagging is to make it feel like it isn't answering a series of random questions with trite answers that I hope is wittier than anyone else's. I usually fail. But nonetheless, I always try; I always, always cheat because my attention span can only do a couple questions.

I have a habit of changing obsessions about every 3-months. I'm currently winding down from a 6-month stint that really didn't add to my self-esteem in any sort of way. So, currently I'm looking for something that I can spend a couple hours a day that won't make me appear as a dork to my daughters and won't cost a lot of money. It would be really nice if it makes me skinny or pretty or valuable in any way. Currently open to suggestions.

I'm pretty sure that my obsession won't be rice cakes (who eats those?), or anything else that everyone loves, but should be hated like Twilight or Harry Potter or any other fantasy book that is making a couple people really rich. Whatever happened to reading The Power of One or 451 or Rabbit Hill?

I have to admit that I'm kind of in a slump as of late and not really obsessed with looking good. Actually, it's been about 13 years since I looked ok. Today happens to be an exceptionally bad day. When I left the house, I had wet hair, a hair tie around my wrist, which never left my wrist. I put on tennis shoes, old jeans and a wrinkled shirt. I know! I always iron my shirts! I opened the gigantic moon roof in my awesome new car, rolled down a window and dried my hair on the way to work. When I got there, I slapped a casual day sticker on my knee and called it fair.

Then I overcompensated for the slump and had Kendall Jackson for dinner.

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