Friday, April 30, 2010

Saint John the Baptist... Pray for Dogs

My life-long friend, Isabelle, turned 7-years-old today and was the star at an assembly at her school, St. John the Baptist. She and her family have been puppy sitting CCI dogs and plan to continue because it is so fun and rewarding.

Isabelle, Abigaile and Nicole talk about being puppy sitters.
They look forward to raising a CCI Service Dog some day.

Amy asks the crowd of 500 to ask Macy to SIT.

Brenda with Kerinne and Rich with Jazlyn greet each student as they enter the auditorium.

Stella DOWNs with Abigaile and Kristin.

Everyone had a chance to pet one of the seven dogs that attended the assembly.
Pascha SITS for pictures.

Tadaki carries the GARBAGE to the garbage can.
He taught himself to take it from the bathroom, through the house, out the doggy door to the garage, through the doggie door to outside and drop it in front of the garbage can.

We've been working on LAUNDRY. When Ta-Don't tried it at ADP Lucky Dog Day, he was more interested in just carrying the towel around the room. This time, on his first try he did a marginally good job, but when the kids helped me command TADAKI GET and DROP, he cocked his head and dropped it in the basket. He was blinded by the spotlight and couldn't wait for the kids to ask a third and fourth time. He received lots of GOOD BOYs for doing it correctly.

Our favorite Road Show group from left to right at top row: Lindsay, Abigaile and DAYA, Isabelle, TADAKI, Brenda and KERINNE, Rich and JAZLYN, Kylie and PASCHA, Kristin and STELLA. Bottom row: Isabella, MACY and Amy, Kelly, Melanie, Nicole and Danielle.

Log on to to see the full event
and other Wasatch Companion community events in April.


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